Elephant [Tribal]

Elephant [Tribal] (Visual)

This is a 32 card sub-deck. It is added to the 68 card Main Tribal Deck.

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Creatures (24):
Loxodon Hierarch Loxodon Smiter Kazandu Tuskcaller Metamorphic Wurm Mosstodon Rabid Elephant Southern Elephant Terastodon Trained Armodon Trumpeting Armodon Vintara Elephant Bosom Buddy Ghalma's Warden Loxodon Anchorite Loxodon Gatekeeper Loxodon Mystic Loxodon Partisan Loxodon Stalwart Noble Elephant Prized Elephant Selesnya Sentry Siege Mastodon Spelltithe Enforcer War Elephant

Spells (3):
Call of the Herd Elephant Ambush Elephant Guide

Mana / Mana Accel. (5):
Elephant Graveyard Temple Garden Wooded Bastion Sungrass Prairie Arctic Flats

Sideboard (Omitted/Cut card ideas):
Bestial Menace AssaultBattery Loxodon Wayfarer Endangered Armodon War Mammoth Wild Elephant Woolly Mammoths Iron Tusk Elephant Loxodon Convert Loxodon Mender Rampant Elephant